Certification status may be verified through the Automated Phone Response System or the Department of Health website. You may call the toll free automated phone number, 800-778-4504 which provides nurse aide directory information 24 hours a day, seven days per week. If you would rather access the online license verification system, then enter the information in the required fields, such as name, address, and license number. After submitting the required information the system should display your CNA status.
To renew a CNA certificate in Tennessee you must show documents verifying that you have worked for at least one eight hour shift during the past 24 months in a state licensed or certified facility. Private duty services, sitter, companion services and private physician’s offices jobs are not accepted for CNA certification renewal. As proof of employment you may submit a pay stub, a payroll printout, or a notarized employment verification form. This form needs to be completed and then notarized by your present or previous employer.
The pay stub and payroll printout must contain the individual’s social security number and place of employment. The notarized attestation, which is completed by the facility where the CNA worked, must include the individual’s name, social security number, date and hours the individual worked, the name and title of the person verifying this information and the notary must be provided by the facility. Renewals cannot occur prior to one month before an aide's certification expiration date.
If you have not worked the required eight hours within the last 24 months since your last certification renewal or if your certification expires and remains expired for a period longer than two years, then your CNA status on the registry is no longer active and you must retrain and retest in order to be listed in an active status on the registry again. It is a good idea to contact the Tennessee CNA registry to ensure you are following the correct procedure in this situation.