How do I transfer my Texas license to Kansas?

+2 votes
asked in License by Sharon Rawlins
I had a Kansas license then moved to Texas. I now have an active CNA license in Texas and am moving back to Kansas. I believe there was reciprocity with these two states.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by Jennifer Adams

If you are a certified nurse aide in another state and you are moving to Kansas you can request to challenge the Kansas nurse aide test once in order to transfer your license. The requirements in this case are that your nurse aide certification is still active and in good standing in the other state and that you have never been certified as a CNA in Kansas. To start the process you would need to fill out the interstate application and mail it back with the required information.

If you were previously certified in Kansas but you did not work at least eight hours in Kansas in a two year period your CNA certificate goes inactive. Once a nurse aide goes inactive they are not eligible to work. If a nurse aide has worked within the two year period and their status is showing inactive they will need to have their employer fill out the employment verification form in order to regain active status on the registry.

You are not eligible to work until active on the Kansas nurse aide registry. If your status is inactive on the Kansas nurse aide registry you may:

  • take a two-day refresher course through a community college, OR
  • have an RN in a long term care facility or hospital administrator go though a checklist of skills you must perform satisfactorily.

The checklist is a list of 18 skills that an RN, who is not required to be an instructor, must watch you perform to determine if your skills are satisfactory. The RN must contact the Kansas Nurse Aide Registry at 785-296-6877 for the form. The form is not sent to you and you will not be given a copy of the checklist once it is done. The checklist is to be done one on one with the Registered Nurse and cannot be done in conjunction with a nurse aide course.

In addition, the checklist cannot be done by an LPN but only by a Registered Nurse. The checklist can be done In a long term care facility, hospital or a lab setting at a school but a home health agency cannot do the checklist. A ban on training does not prohibit a facility from doing the checklist. Health Occupations Credentialing (HOC) no longer issues certificates and therefore you need to check your status on the registry to see if you are active after completing the requirements.
