Iowa Nurse Aide Registry
Iowa Nurse Aide Registry
Iowa Direct Care Worker Registry
Lucas State Office Building, 321 East 12th Street, Des Moines, IA 50319
Phone: (515) 281-4077
What are the Iowa state requirements for obtaining a nurse aide certification? If you wish to become a CNA in Iowa then you should enroll in a nurse aide course provided by a long term care facility or by a community college. Nurse aide courses in Iowa must have a minimum of seventy-five (75) hours of instruction. There are several nursing assistant classes sponsored by nursing homes and long-term care facilities which provide the mandatory curriculum leading to CNA certification. Nurse aide students who complete a CNA course and pass both the skills and written exams, will automatically have their names listed on the Iowa Nurse Aide Registry. Certified nurse aides working in a skilled nursing facility must be listed on the Iowa Nurse Aide Registry. Nurse aides who become employed by a skilled nursing facility, such as a nursing home, receive free CNA training and testing. The cost of a CNA program is covered by the employer which receives reimbursement from the state of Iowa. Renewals of your nurse aide certificate in the state of Iowa is free of charge.
CNA Registries in the United States
Select an area from the map below to find addresses and phone numbers for Nurse Aide Registries in all 50 states plus the District of Columbia as well as links to online nursing assistant registries if available.
Should you know about your state's nursing assistant registry? Absolutely. A state's nurse aide registry serves important functions for any certified nursing assistant as well as for those looking to become certified. An individual who has finished a nursing assistant training program and has passed the state competency exam becomes listed on the CNA registry. Employers check the registry listings to confirm that a potential employee satisfies the training and testing requirements to obtain a nursing assistant job. To work as a certified nursing assistant, your status on the CNA registry must be active, without any charges of resident abuse, neglect, or misappropriation. It is important to update your name and address on the registry. By doing so, your information is current and you are able to receive important documents sent by the registry.
For example, renewal forms are mailed to the address you have provided to the registry. You will not receive the certification renewal forms unless your address on the registry is accurate. One of the most frequent questions we get is how to get a copy of a CNA certificate. The nurse aide registry is in charge of issuing a duplicate of your nurse aide certificate and to obtain a copy you need to contact them. A nursing assistant certificate is typically reprinted when the original has been lost, accidentally destroyed, stolen, or when the individual has changed their name. The nurse aide registry is also the entity in charge of revoking a nursing assistant's certification in cases of neglect, abuse, or misappropriation of a client's property. In such cases, an individual's name is permanently listed on the registry along with the specific findings.
Questions, Comments, Suggestions
Cassie on July 28, 2014 at 05:34 PM
I had my CNA license in Iowa about 13 years ago. I am now living in Colorado. How do I get recertified in Colorado?
Admin on July 30, 2014 at 01:50 PM
If your CNA certificate in Iowa is expired then you are not able to apply for nurse aide license reciprocity in Colorado. The only option you have with a lapsed certificate is to retrain and retake the state exam in Colorado. You need to complete a nursing assistant course in Colorado and pass the nurse aide competency examination in order to become a CNA in this state.
I am wondering where I can take the nursing assistant challenge test to reinstate my certified nursing assistant (CNA) license in Iowa?
Can I enroll in a CNA class without a high school diploma or GED?
How long do nursing assistant classes take to complete?
After becoming a CNA how much more training does it take to become an RN?
I am really interested in becoming a certified nursing assistant. I am in the military and we go out to sea continuously. I do not have too much time to actually attend a program until next year. Who offers online CNA classes?