Nurse Aide Training Programs in Iowa
Are you having a hard time deciding which CNA training program to attend? Some of the most important student requirements when it comes to selecting a nursing assistant course in Iowa include the program cost, duration of training, and quality of education. An affordable and well-structured program is a desirable option for any future nurse aide student. The Eastern Iowa Community College District is committed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in today's health care industry. Students may enroll in a variety of certification programs including nurse aide classes, medication aide courses, and rehabilitation aide programs.
The certified nursing assistant class teaches the basics of direct patient care while the medication aide and rehabilitation aide courses add extra skills to the basic CNA knowledge. Students must participate in both lecture and clinical experiences throughout the length of the nurse aide training course. The Eastern Iowa Community College District will award a certificate of completion to all nurse aides graduates. The nurse aide program, as well as the medication and rehabilitation aide courses are approved by the Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals and meet all the federal and state requirements for the training of certified nursing assistants.
CNA Programs in Black Hawk County
Hawkeye Community College - Waterloo
1501 East Orange Road, Waterloo, IA 50704
Phone: 319-296-2320
Boone County
Des Moines Area Community College - Boone
1125 Hancock Drive, Boone, IA 50036
Phone: 515-432-7203
Carroll County
Des Moines Area Community College - Carroll
906 North Grant Road, Carroll, IA 51401
Phone: 712-792-1755
Cerro Gordo County
North Iowa Area Community College - Mason City
500 College Drive, Mason City, IA 50401
Phone: 888-466-4222
Clay County
Iowa Lakes Community College - Spencer
1900 Grand Avenue, Spencer, IA 51301
Phones: 800-521-5054 and 712-262-7141
Clinton County
Clinton Community College
1000 Lincoln Blvd., Clinton, IA 52732
Phone: 563-244-7001
Genesis Medical Clinic - DeWitt
1008 11th Street, DeWitt, IA 52742
Phone: 563-659-9137
Dickinson County
Iowa Lakes Community College - Spirit Lake
800 21st Street, Spirit Lake, IA 51360
Phones: 800-521-5054 and 712-336-3439
Dubuque County
Northeast Iowa Community College - Peosta
8342 NICC Drive, Peosta, IA 52068
Phone: 563-556-5110
Emmet County
Iowa Lakes Community College - Estherville
300 South 18th Street, Estherville, IA 51334
Phones: 800-521-5054 and 712-362-2604
Hardin County
Ellsworth Community College - Iowa Falls
1100 College Avenue, Iowa Falls, IA 50126
Phone: 641-648-4611
Jasper County
Des Moines Area Community College - Newton
600 North 2nd Avenue West, Newton, IA 50208
Phone: 641-791-3622
Kossuth County
Iowa Lakes Community College - Algona
2111 Highway 169 North, Algona, IA 50511
Phones: 800-521-5054 and 515-295-9455
Linn County
Kirkwood Community College - Cedar Rapids
6301 Kirkwood Blvd. SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Phone: 319-398-5411
Kirkwood Community College Lincoln Center - Cedar Rapids
912 18th Avenue SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Phone: 319-366-0142
Marshall County
Marshalltown Community College
3700 South Center Street, Marshalltown, IA 50158
Phone: 641-752-7106
Iowa Valley Continuing Education - Marshalltown
3702 South Center Street, Marshalltown, IA 50158
Phone: 641-752-4645
CNA Classes in Iowa ( Page 2 )
Online nursing assistant training classes in Iowa are now available to students who seek to obtain certification from the convenience of their homes. Students have the option to enroll in six-week or twelve-week long nurse aide courses which meet the seventy-five hour state requirements for nursing assistant training programs. Approved by the state of Iowa, the CNA classes are a combination of online coursework and on-site laboratory and clinical experiences. The hybrid CNA programs provide convenience and educational access to many students who wish to minimize driving to a school's campus to attend lectures and classroom instruction. Adult students have work and family responsibilities which may prevent them from being present for classes at a particular time as required by traditional nursing assistant programs.
A student enrolled in the hybrid online CNA program needs to attend laboratory and clinical days on campus. These days are limited in number and are scheduled in advance, giving you the opportunity to set up arrangements for work, child day care and other responsibilities. What are some of the learning methods employed in the online nursing assistant courses? There are six major study units requiring reading assignments and online interactive discussions with other students and with the course instructor. Each student has access to videos containing nurse aide skills demonstrations, terminology flashcards, and interactive learning applications. At the completion of each of the six units, the student must travel on campus to practice the unit's skills in the laboratory. This is the time when you physically interact with other students and with the program instructor. A final exam similar to the Iowa nurse aide examination is administered to all students at the completion of the course. This practice exam prepares students for challenging the state test. The online nursing assistant training program cost is $400, it includes the course textbook, and it is available through the Western Iowa Community College.
CNA Training Schools and Programs
Questions, Comments, Suggestions
C. Adams on November 8, 2014 at 11:22 AM
Is it possible to enroll in a CNA class without a high school diploma or GED?
Admin on November 8, 2014 at 05:34 PM
There are no federal regulations stating that individuals are required to have a high school diploma prior to attending nurse aide classes but some states such as Florida require a high school diploma or its equivalent prior to testing if you are under 18 years old and have not attended a training program. A program coordinator at the school or nursing facility which is offering CNA training classes may tell you if a high school diploma or equivalent (GED) is required in order to enroll in the nurse aide program. Some facilities do not require a diploma as long as you have completed a 10th grade high school education. In the state of Texas a high school diploma or a GED is not necessary in order to attend and complete a nursing assistant program.
How long do CNA classes take and what exactly do you have to do?
After becoming a CNA how much more experience, training or school has to be done to become a registered nurse?
I am in the military and I do not have too much time to actually attend a regular CNA program. Who offers online CNA classes?
How do I sign up for CNA training? I am having trouble finding the shortest training program in my area. Can you help me?
How long does it take to get the CNA certificate itself while in school taking courses?