Nurse Aide Training Programs in DC
What types of facilities do offer nurse aide training courses in the District of Columbia? If you are looking to enroll in a nurse aide training class then search for a program offered at state or private educational institutions, such as community colleges, nursing homes, private post-secondary schools, and public vocational or trade schools. It is mandatory that each nurse aide training course consist of at least one hundred and twenty hours of instruction. Furthermore, District of Columbia legislation requires that every nurse aide class should train nursing assistant students for a specified number of hours during lectures, clinical practice, and facility based practice.
The nursing assistant class you select should clearly state that training will include a minimum of forty-five (45) hours of lecture and classroom instruction, at least thirty (30) hours of clinical and laboratory practice, as well as forty-five (45) hours of hands-on practice providing direct care to clients in a skilled nursing facility. It is very important that you select an approved CNA training course. Only students who graduate from approved nurse aide programs are eligible to sit for the CNA competency examination. What is the average CNA salary in the District of Columbia? Certified nurse assistant jobs for individuals without any previous experience start at a salary of $24,500 per year, and may advance to $27,700 after a few years of direct care experience.
CNA Programs in the District of Columbia
Washington Training Institute
1901 9th Street NW, Washington, DC 20001
Phone: 240-460-7060
This is a home health aide training program.
MISS Health Care Training Institute
1818 New York Avnue NE, Suite 108, Washington, DC 20002
Phone: 202-526-6424
University of the District of Columbia - Community College Backus Campus
5171 South Dakota Avenue NE, Washington, DC 20017
Phone: 202-274-6952
This school offers nursing assistant and home health aide training programs.
Bethel Training Institute
824 Upshur Street NW, Washington, DC 20011
Phone: 202-723-0755
This school offers nursing assistant and home health aide training programs.
HealthWrite Training Academy
2303 14th Street NW, Suite 100, Washington, DC 20020
Phone: 202-349-3934
This school offers nursing assistant and home health aide training programs.
Total Healthcare Innovations
1805 Montana Avenue NE, Washington, DC 20002
Phone: 202-747-3453
This school offers nursing assistant and home health aide training programs.
Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School
1100 Harvard Street NW, Washington, DC 20009
Phone: 202-797-4700
Home Care Partners, Inc.
1234 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite C 1002, Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-638-2382
This is a home health aide training program.
Prime Healthcare Institute
2010 Rhode Island Avenue NE, 2nd Floor, Washington, DC 20018
Phone: 202-526-3535
This school offers nursing assistant and home health aide training programs.
3925 Georgia Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20011
Phone: 202-291-7744
This school offers nursing assistant and home health aide training programs.
Nursing assistant programs prepare individuals for challenging the nurse aide certification exam and for entry level positions in health care environments. Each state has the authority to decide how many hours of training a nursing assistant course must consist of, as long as the minimum federal requirement of seventy-five hours is met. Students interested in attending CNA classes have a wide array of choices when it comes to selecting a training facility.
Nursing assistant courses are conducted at nursing homes, vocational schools, private schools, and community colleges. Program length, admission requirements, and cost of training vary depending on the policies of every training facility. Several states have implemented legislation which requires licensed long-term care facilities to reimburse CNA employees for the costs associated with training. An individual who has paid for nursing assistant training classes and who becomes employed by a nursing home within a year of obtaining certification, is eligible for financial reimbursement. Compared to other training programs in the health care field, nursing assistant classes are relatively short and inexpensive. Obtaining state certification as a CNA is the main requirement for securing a nurse aide job at a nursing home, hospital, rehabilitation or skilled nursing facility.
CNA Training Schools and Programs
Questions, Comments, Suggestions
Felica G. on July 16, 2014 at 02:23 PM
How long do CNA classes take and what exactly do you have to do?
Admin on July 19, 2014 at 10:51 PM
Nursing assistant training courses may take anywhere between three weeks to three months to complete, depending on the facility or school which offers the program. To enroll in nurse aide classes you must meet certain admission criteria pertaining to education, health, and background history. Those who are accepted into CNA classes must complete both the classroom and hands-on practice sessions to graduate. Finally, one must pass a final exam which tests a candidate's skills and abilities to practice correctly and safely. When you pass this final test you become a certified nurse aide.
After becoming a CNA how much more experience, training or school has to be done to become a registered nurse?
I am in the military and I do not have too much time to actually attend a regular CNA program. Who offers online CNA classes?
How do I sign up for CNA training? I am having trouble finding the shortest training program in my area. Can you help me?
How long does it take to get the CNA certificate itself while in school taking courses?
Can you share any tips or advice regarding CNA job interviews?