Nurse Aide Training Programs in Illinois

One of the affordable, state-approved CNA training programs in Malta, Illinois is currently being offered by Kishwaukee College. Students interested in a career as a certified nurse aide may enroll in CNA classes as long as they are sixteen (16) years old and obtain satisfactory scores on the college's placement test. How long is the nurse aide course at Kishwaukee College? The CNA training program is eight (8) weeks long, and it requires completion of one hundred and thirty-five (135) hours of instruction. Nursing assistant students receive theoretical instruction followed by laboratory and clinical practice. This two month long CNA training course is approved by the Illinois Department of Public Health.

What is the nurse aide program cost at Kishwaukee College? The certified nurse aide course has an all-inclusive cost of $875 which includes expenses associated with tuition, registration fee, laboratory fee, textbook and supplies. The Illinois CNA certification fee is also included in the program cost. To graduate from the CNA class you must successfully pass the theoretical and clinical portions of the program. All nurse aide graduates are eligible to challenge the Illinois CNA examination and become certified nurse assistants in this state. This educational course is available through the college's nursing department. Feel free to contact the nursing department if you are interested in pursuing a nurse aide education and would like to find out more details about this program.

Southwestern Illinois College - Granite City
4950 Maryville Rd., Granite City, IL 62040

Southwestern Illinois College Nurse Aide Training Program - Red Bud
500 West South 4th Street, Red Bud, Illinois 62278

Spectrum Nurses Training - Bolingbrook
481 West Boughton Road, Bolingbrook, IL 60440

Spoon River College Nurse Aide Course - Canton
23235 North County Highway 22, Canton, Illinois 61520

Spoon River College Nurse Aide Training Course - Macomb
208 South Johnson Street, Macomb, IL 61455

Spoon River Home Health Care - Farmington
332 East 4th Street, Farmington, Illinois 61531

St. Agnes Health Care Center CNA Course - Chicago
1725 South Wabash Ave, Chicago, IL 60616

St. John's Health Care Services, Inc. - Chicago
3713 West Chicago Ave, Chicago, Illinois 6065

St. Josephs Nursing Home CNA Program - Lacon
401 9th Street, Lacon, IL 61540

Streamwood High School Nurse Aide Program
701 West Schaumburg Rd., Streamwood, Illinois 60107

The British Home Nurse Assistant Program - Brookfield
8700 West 31st Street, Brookfield, IL 60513

The College of Office Technology - Chicago
1520 West Division Street, Chicago, Illinois 60642

The Dupage Area Occupation Education System - Addison
301 South Swift Rd., Addison, IL 60101

The Neighbors CNA Training Program - Byron
P.O. Box 585, Byron, Illinois 61010

The Presbyterian Home Nurse Aide Training - Evanston
3200 Grant Street, Evanston, IL 60201

TlC Healthcare Institute Nurse Aide Training Course - Matteson
21141 Governors Hwy, Matteson, Illinois 60443

Trinity Nursing Academy - Wheaton
2286 Manchester Rd., Wheaton, IL 60187

Triton College Nursing Assistant Course - River Grove
2000 5th Ave., River Grove, Illinois 60171

Truman College CNA Training Course - Chicago
1145 West Wilson Ave., Chicago, IL 60640

Tukiendorf Trainig Institute Nurse Assistant Program - Chicago
6615 West Irving Park Road, Chicago, Illinois 60634

Twin Rivers Reg Vocational System C.N.A. Class - Robinson
301 South Cross Street, Robinson, IL 62454

CNA Training Programs in Illinois ( Page 10 )

Nursing assistant programs prepare individuals for challenging the nurse aide certification exam and for entry level positions in health care environments. Each state has the authority to decide how many hours of training a nursing assistant course must consist of, as long as the minimum federal requirement of seventy-five hours is met. Students interested in attending CNA classes have a wide array of choices when it comes to selecting a training facility.

Nursing assistant courses are conducted at nursing homes, vocational schools, private schools, and community colleges. Program length, admission requirements, and cost of training vary depending on the policies of every training facility. Several states have implemented legislation which requires licensed long-term care facilities to reimburse CNA employees for the costs associated with training. An individual who has paid for nursing assistant training classes and who becomes employed by a nursing home within a year of obtaining certification, is eligible for financial reimbursement. Compared to other training programs in the health care field, nursing assistant classes are relatively short and inexpensive. Obtaining state certification as a CNA is the main requirement for securing a nurse aide job at a nursing home, hospital, rehabilitation or skilled nursing facility.

CNA Training Schools and Programs

CNA classes, schools and programs by state.

Questions, Comments, Suggestions

Tarita T. on July 30, 2009 at 09:44 PM
I am currently a CNA in Illinois but I was wondering what I would have to do to get my CNA license in Virginia as well?

Admin on July 31, 2009 at 05:25 AM
If you wish to obtain certification as a nursing assistant in Virginia then you need to apply for certification by endorsement in this new state. Certification by endorsement and placement on the Virginia CNA registry will be granted if the following requirements are met: you are currently registered as a CNA in Illinois with no findings of abuse, neglect, or misappropriation and you complete and submit the endorsement application and other necessary verification forms to the nursing assistant credentialing agency in Illinois. Instructions as well as the application for CNA certification by endorsement can be found here: Application and Instructions for CNA Certification by Endorsement.

Can I enroll in a CNA class without a high school diploma or GED?

How long do nursing assistant classes take to complete?

After becoming a CNA how much more training does it take to become an RN?

I am really interested in becoming a certified nursing assistant. I am in the military and we go out to sea continuously. I do not have too much time to actually attend a program until next year. Who offers online CNA classes?

How do I sign up for CNA training?

CNA Resources

CNA Training Requirements

There is a wide disparity between CNA training requirements among the states. The difference lies in the mandatory number of total training hours necessary to complete state-approved CNA classes.

While according to federal law each nursing assistant course should contain a minimum of seventy-five (75) instruction and clinical hours, individual states have the liberty to mandate extra training requirements for certified nursing assistants. The majority of states exceed the threshold federal minimum requirements for nurse aide training programs because they are considered insufficient to result in an optimal and safe level of care for clients.

A review of nationwide state requirements for nurse assistant courses has found that the following states have mandated highest number of CNA program hours: Maine with a minimum of 90 hours of theory, 20 hours of laboratory skills and 70 hours of clinical instruction for a total of 180 hours; California with one hundred and sixty (160) training hours; Delaware and Oregon each requiring one hundred and fifty (150) hours; followed by the state of Alaska with one hundred and forty (140) hours; Virginia, Arizona, and West Virginia have a minimum of one hundred and twenty (120) training hours for state-approved classes.

CNA Training Programs

Nurse Aide Registries

Alaska Wyoming Oklahoma Washington DC Delaware Maryland Maryland Delaware New Jersey New Jersey Connecticut Connecticut Rhode Island Rhode Island Massachusetts Massachusetts Vermont New Hampshire Vermont New Hampshire Missouri Indiana Pennsylvania Alabama Maine New York West Virginia Wisconsin Ohio Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Louisiana Mississippi Florida Georgia Tennessee Illinois Michigan Michigan Minnesota Utah Kentucky Kansas South Dakota Arizona Idaho Washington State California Arkansas Texas Nebraska North Dakota Iowa Hawaii Nevada Oregon New Mexico Colorado Montana