Nurse Aide Training Programs in Illinois

After completing a nurse aide training class and passing the CNA examination an individual usually receives a nurse aide license or certificate. This is true in a large number of states throughout the U.S., but not in all of them. Things are done differently in the state of Illinois, where a certified nursing assistant is not issued any type of card by the Illinois Department of Public Health. If you plan to become a nurse assistant in Illinois, then your certification number, also known as the registry number, is the same as your social security number.

Students who successfully pass the Illinois CNA exam can expect to be registered on the Illinois Health Care Worker Registry within three weeks. The Illinois Health Care Worker Registry is the Nurse Aide Registry in Illinois. Employers as well as certified nurse aides can verify certification information by using the registry's verification web site. A Illinois nurse aide can simply fill in her name and social security number to obtain a printable page which displays her status on the registry. The same process is used by employers when they wish to verify your nurse aide credentials. It is a good idea for every CNA to become familiar with their state's nurse aide registry.

College of Dupage - Glen Ellyn
425 Fawell Blvd. Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

College of Dupage Nurse Aide Course - Addison
301 South Swift Rd., Addison, Illinois 60101

College of Lake Co - Waukegan Site
2325 Brookside Ave., Waukegan, IL 60085

College of Lake County CNA Course - Grayslake Campus
19351 West Washington St., Grayslake, Illinois 60030

Collinsville Area Vocational Center
2201 South Morrison, Collinsville, IL 62234

Community Hospital of Ottawa Nurse Aide Program
1100 East Norris Dr., Ottawa, Illinois 61350

Cynda Training and Educational Center C.N.A. Class - Oak Forest
14930 South Cicero Ave., Oak Forest, IL 60452

Danville Area Community College
2000 East Main St., Danville, Illinois 61832

Decatur Area Technical Academy CNA Training Course
300 East Eldorado St., Decatur, IL 62523

Delrose Training Program - Richton Park
3717 Sauk Trl., Richton Park, Illinois 60471

Dependable Nursing Home Health Services CNA Course - Lincolnwood
4656 West Touhy Ave., Lincolnwood, IL 60712

Divine Providence CNA Training Course - Westchester
2500 Mayfair Ave., Westchester, Illinois 60154

East St Louis Senior High School Nurse Aide Training Course
4901 State St., East St Louis, IL 62205

East-West University Nurse Aide Course - Chicago
819 South Wabash Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60605

Eldorado High School
2200 Illinois Ave., Eldorado, IL 62930

Elgin Community College Nursing Assistant Course
1700 Spartan Dr., Elgin, Illinois 60123

Elgin High School Nurse Aide Training Program
1200 Maroon Drive, Elgin, IL 60120

Elim Outreach Nurse Assistant Program - Homewood
1820 Ridge Rd., Homewood, Illinois 60430

Ers Inc. Staffing and Health Care Services - Peoria
2210 West Townline Rd., Peoria, IL 61615

Excelsior Health Care Academy CNA Training Program - Chicago Heights
523 South Halsted St., Chicago Heights, Illinois 60411

Fair Oaks Nursing Home Nurse Aide Training - Greenville
Hwy 140 At Grigg St., Greenville, IL 62246

First Choice International Nursing Assistant Program - Glenview
1245 Milwaukee Ave., Glenview, Illinois 60025

Five County Reg Adult Educational Program CNA Program - Cairo
1615 Commercial Ave., Cairo, IL 62914

Flora High School Nurse Aide Program
600 South Locust St., Flora, Illinois 62839

CNA Programs in Illinois ( Page 3 )

Nursing assistant programs prepare individuals for challenging the nurse aide certification exam and for entry level positions in health care environments. Each state has the authority to decide how many hours of training a nursing assistant course must consist of, as long as the minimum federal requirement of seventy-five hours is met. Students interested in attending CNA classes have a wide array of choices when it comes to selecting a training facility.

Nursing assistant courses are conducted at nursing homes, vocational schools, private schools, and community colleges. Program length, admission requirements, and cost of training vary depending on the policies of every training facility. Several states have implemented legislation which requires licensed long-term care facilities to reimburse CNA employees for the costs associated with training. An individual who has paid for nursing assistant training classes and who becomes employed by a nursing home within a year of obtaining certification, is eligible for financial reimbursement. Compared to other training programs in the health care field, nursing assistant classes are relatively short and inexpensive. Obtaining state certification as a CNA is the main requirement for securing a nurse aide job at a nursing home, hospital, rehabilitation or skilled nursing facility.

CNA Training Schools and Programs

CNA classes, schools and programs by state.

Questions, Comments, Suggestions

Heather B. on August 18, 2011 at 11:23 PM
I haven't worked as a CNA for over a year now, I was wondering if my CNA certification is still valid. I do believe there is a website which will verify my CNA status. Would you happen to know that site? Also can I just volunteer to keep my CNA valid, instead of working for pay?

Admin on August 19, 2011 at 09:35 AM
Your Illinois CNA certification expires if you do not work at all as a nurse aide (for pay) for a period of 24 consecutive months. To keep their certification active, Illinois nursing assistants have to work for pay, and not as volunteers. You may check the status of your certification here: Health Care Worker Registry.

I am applying for a job, and it is asking me for my CNA certification number. How do I find that for the state of Illinois?

I recently completed my CNA training in Chicago, Illinois and would like to get registered as a nurse aide in Kentucky. What should I do to get this done?

I am currently a certified nursing assistant in Illinois but I was wondering what I would have to do to get my CNA license in Virginia as well?

Is it possible to enroll in a CNA class without a high school diploma or GED?

How long do CNA classes take and what exactly do you have to do?

CNA Resources

CNA Training Requirements

There is a wide disparity between CNA training requirements among the states. The difference lies in the mandatory number of total training hours necessary to complete state-approved CNA classes.

While according to federal law each nursing assistant course should contain a minimum of seventy-five (75) instruction and clinical hours, individual states have the liberty to mandate extra training requirements for certified nursing assistants. The majority of states exceed the threshold federal minimum requirements for nurse aide training programs because they are considered insufficient to result in an optimal and safe level of care for clients.

A review of nationwide state requirements for nurse assistant courses has found that the following states have mandated highest number of CNA program hours: Maine with a minimum of 90 hours of theory, 20 hours of laboratory skills and 70 hours of clinical instruction for a total of 180 hours; California with one hundred and sixty (160) training hours; Delaware and Oregon each requiring one hundred and fifty (150) hours; followed by the state of Alaska with one hundred and forty (140) hours; Virginia, Arizona, and West Virginia have a minimum of one hundred and twenty (120) training hours for state-approved classes.

CNA Training Programs

Nurse Aide Registries

Alaska Wyoming Oklahoma Washington DC Delaware Maryland Maryland Delaware New Jersey New Jersey Connecticut Connecticut Rhode Island Rhode Island Massachusetts Massachusetts Vermont New Hampshire Vermont New Hampshire Missouri Indiana Pennsylvania Alabama Maine New York West Virginia Wisconsin Ohio Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Louisiana Mississippi Florida Georgia Tennessee Illinois Michigan Michigan Minnesota Utah Kentucky Kansas South Dakota Arizona Idaho Washington State California Arkansas Texas Nebraska North Dakota Iowa Hawaii Nevada Oregon New Mexico Colorado Montana