Nurse Aide Training Programs in Washington State

Have you been looking for an inexpensive CNA training program in Everett, Washington? You might want to consider MedPrep, one of the top providers of quality education for nursing assistants in this area. What will you learn in this CNA class and what are the enrollment requirements? The program consists of eighty-five (85) hours of total instruction, including lectures, videos, laboratory practice, discussions and demonstrations, plus hands-on clinical practice. Enrollment is open to anyone interested in becoming a certified nursing assistant in Washington State, as long as candidates are sixteen (16) years old. Students don't need to have a high school diploma or a GED to enroll in this particular CNA training course.

To be successful in this course, nurse aide trainees are strongly encouraged to attend all classes, laboratory and clinical experiences. Asking questions, participating, and practicing the skills and techniques under the guidance of a registered nurse instructor are all critical elements that will ensure success in completing the program. Graduates receive a certificate of program completion and have the right to sit for the Washington State CNA examination. MedPrep offers both day and night CNA training classes on a monthly basis. The total cost for the CNA program is currently $675 and it includes the course textbook, as well as the adult cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training fee. Nurse aide job recruiters from various long-term care facilities and hospitals in the area have been known to visit the school and upon graduation offer employment to those who successfully completed the course.

CNA Classes in Thurston County

South Puget Sound Community College - Olympia
2011 Mottman Road SW, Olympia, Washington 98512
Phones: 360-596-5285 or 360-596-5200
The course prepares students to become nursing assistants in convalescent centers, hospitals, and home and community settings. It covers the nursing assistant's role on the health care team, basic technical and personal care skills, measurement of body functions, restorative and rehabilitative techniques, communication, infection control, and safety and emergency procedures and identifies clients' rights, mental health, and social service needs, recognizing individual, cultural and religious diversity. The training program at South Puget Sound Community College meets Washington State and federal requirements for nursing assistant education.

New Market Vocational Skills Center - Tumwater
7299 New Market Street, Tumwater, WA 98501
Phone: (360) 570-4434

Simmons and Holliday - Olympia
2103 Harrison Ave., Olympia, WA 98502
Phone: (360) 481-7049

Evergreen Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Nurse Aide Course - Olympia
430 Lilly Road SE, Olympia, Washington 98506
This nursing assistant program is closed or currently inactive.

Roo-Lan Healthcare Center - Lacey
1505 Carpenter Road SE, Lacey, WA 98503
Phone: (360) 491-1765

Nursing Assistant Programs in Wahkiakum County

Columbia View Care Center Nurse Aide Training Course - Cathlamet
P.O. Box 338, Cathlamet, Washington 98612
Phone: (360) 795-3140

CNA Schools in Walla Walla County

Walla Walla Community College
500 Tausick Way, Walla Walla, WA 99362
Phone: (509) 527-4462

Park Manor Nurse Aide Training - Walla Walla
1710 Plaza Way, Walla Walla, Washington 99362
Phone: (509) 529-4218

Nurse Aide Courses in Whatcom County

St. Francis Health Care Nursing Assistant Training - Bellingham
3121 Squalicum Parkway, Bellingham, WA 98225
CNA training at St. Francis of Bellingham is offered only when they need to hire additional staff. You should check the local newspaper if you are interested in this on the job training opportunity.

Alderwood Park Convalescent Center Nurse Aide Course - Bellingham
2726 Alderwood Ave., Bellingham, Washington 98225
Phone: (360) 733-2322

Bellingham Health Care and Rehabilitation Services CNA Program
1200 Birchwood Ave., Bellingham, WA 98225
Phone: (360) 734-9295

Evergreen North Cascades Health and Rehabilitation - Bellingham
4680 Cordata Parkway, Bellingham, WA 98226
Phone: (360) 398-1966

Whatcom Community College C.N.A. Class - Bellingham
237 West Kellogg Rd., Bellingham, Washington 98226
Phone: (360) 676-2170

Stafholt Good Samaritan Center Nursing Assistant Course - Blaine
456 C Street, Blaine, WA 98230
Phone: (360) 332-8733

Christian Health Care Center CNA Training - Lynden
855 Aaron Drive, Lynden, Washington 98264
Phone: (360) 354-4434

Bellingham Technical College Nurse Aide Program
3028 Lindberg Ave., Bellingham, WA 98225
Phone: (360) 752-7000

CNA Programs in Whitman County

Avalon Care Center - Pullman
1310 NW Deane, Pullman, Washington 99163
This nursing assistant program is closed or currently inactive.

Nursing Assistant Training Classes in Yakima County

Yakima Valley Technical Skills Center Nurse Aide Training Program
1116 South 15th Ave., Yakima, WA 98902
Phone: (509) 573-5017

Yakima Valley Community College Nurse Aide Class
16th and Nob Hill Boulevard, Yakima, Washington 98907
Phone: (509) 574-4902

Grandview Health Care Center Nurse Aide Program
912 Hillcrest Road, Grandview, WA 98930
Phone: (509) 882-1200

Crescent Convalescent Center CNA Course - Yakima
505 North 40h Ave., Yakima, Washington 98908
Phone: (509) 248-4446

Hillcrest At Summitview - Yakima
3801 Summitview Ave., Yakima, WA 98902
Phone: (509) 966-5247

Yakima Valley School CNA Training Program - Selah
609 Speyers Rd., Selah, Washington 98942
This nursing assistant program is closed or currently inactive.

Emerald Care CNA Program - Wapato
209 North Ahtanum Ave., Wapato, WA 98951
Phone: (509) 877-3175

Yakima Valley Technical Skills Nurse Aide Course - Sunnyside
437 Barnard Blvd., Sunnyside, Washington 98944
Phone: (509) 930-2708

Willow Springs Care Nurse Aide Training - Yakima
4007 Tieton Drive, Yakima, WA 98908
Phone: (509) 966-4500

CNA Training in Washington State ( Page 1 )

Nursing assistant programs prepare individuals for challenging the nurse aide certification exam and for entry level positions in health care environments. Each state has the authority to decide how many hours of training a nursing assistant course must consist of, as long as the minimum federal requirement of seventy-five hours is met. Students interested in attending CNA classes have a wide array of choices when it comes to selecting a training facility.

Nursing assistant courses are conducted at nursing homes, vocational schools, private schools, and community colleges. Program length, admission requirements, and cost of training vary depending on the policies of every training facility. Several states have implemented legislation which requires licensed long-term care facilities to reimburse CNA employees for the costs associated with training. An individual who has paid for nursing assistant training classes and who becomes employed by a nursing home within a year of obtaining certification, is eligible for financial reimbursement. Compared to other training programs in the health care field, nursing assistant classes are relatively short and inexpensive. Obtaining state certification as a CNA is the main requirement for securing a nurse aide job at a nursing home, hospital, rehabilitation or skilled nursing facility.

CNA Training Schools and Programs

CNA classes, schools and programs by state.

Questions, Comments, Suggestions

Niesha M. on July 23, 2013 at 05:09 AM
How long does it take to get the CNA certificate itself while in school taking courses?

Admin on July 25, 2013 at 08:14 PM
Nursing assistant programs vary in length depending on the school or facility offering the training. CNA courses may take anywhere between three to twelve weeks. Once you complete the training you may schedule the nurse aide competency test right away. Candidates who pass the examination become state certified right away and receive the actual certificate in a couple of weeks, usually within one month.

Can you share any tips or advice regarding CNA job interviews?

I am trying to get some info on where to start in the health care profession. Is it better to start as a CNA or LVN?

I am a pre-nursing student. Is it true that becoming a CNA and getting the experience, really helps you with clinicals in nursing school?

How can I tell if my CNA certificate is active? If it is not active how do I go about renewing it?

How can I get a copy of my CNA certification?

CNA Resources

CNA Training Requirements

There is a wide disparity between CNA training requirements among the states. The difference lies in the mandatory number of total training hours necessary to complete state-approved CNA classes.

While according to federal law each nursing assistant course should contain a minimum of seventy-five (75) instruction and clinical hours, individual states have the liberty to mandate extra training requirements for certified nursing assistants. The majority of states exceed the threshold federal minimum requirements for nurse aide training programs because they are considered insufficient to result in an optimal and safe level of care for clients.

A review of nationwide state requirements for nurse assistant courses has found that the following states have mandated highest number of CNA program hours: Maine with a minimum of 90 hours of theory, 20 hours of laboratory skills and 70 hours of clinical instruction for a total of 180 hours; California with one hundred and sixty (160) training hours; Delaware and Oregon each requiring one hundred and fifty (150) hours; followed by the state of Alaska with one hundred and forty (140) hours; Virginia, Arizona, and West Virginia have a minimum of one hundred and twenty (120) training hours for state-approved classes.

CNA Training Programs

Nurse Aide Registries

Alaska Wyoming Oklahoma Washington DC Delaware Maryland Maryland Delaware New Jersey New Jersey Connecticut Connecticut Rhode Island Rhode Island Massachusetts Massachusetts Vermont New Hampshire Vermont New Hampshire Missouri Indiana Pennsylvania Alabama Maine New York West Virginia Wisconsin Ohio Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Louisiana Mississippi Florida Georgia Tennessee Illinois Michigan Michigan Minnesota Utah Kentucky Kansas South Dakota Arizona Idaho Washington State California Arkansas Texas Nebraska North Dakota Iowa Hawaii Nevada Oregon New Mexico Colorado Montana