How can I transfer my CNA license back to Arkansas from Florida?

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asked in License by Dominique Cofield

1 Answer

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answered by KJohnsHoll323

I would advise checking your registration for that state or contacting the state you are returning to to determine your status with them. If you are still on that state's registry, completing a transfer or reciprocity process might not be necessary.  As one who processes transfer/reciprocity applications for WVs nurse aide program, something I frequently come across is applicants who are still on WV's registry. Maybe more often than not they just forget or don't realize/understand this: WV's registry keeps CNA's records as long as the CNA keeps up with renewals, but are purged with no way to recall if expired for more than five years. Every state might do this differently, so there's no harm in checking/asking and being acquainted with that aspect of a state's licensure processes. 

In WV (and maybe other states), your CNA registration in one state isn't necessarily lost because you applied to another state (the transfer/reciprocity application requires at least one other-state registration), but generally nothing automatically updates or carries over on any state's registration without your response either.  You'll have to follow each state's requirements for renewal/maintenance if you still want to keep your certification in that state. Meaning, if you still wish to keep or renew your FL registration after your relocation to AK you need to do what FL needs for the process (and vice versa). If not, no big deal. 




