How do I obtain a copy of my Virginia nursing aide certificate?

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asked in Registry by Carla Robertson

1 Answer

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answered by Mariah

If you need a duplicate license or certificate, you must send your request in writing to the Virginia Board of Nursing at Perimeter Center, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300, Henrico, Virginia 23233-1463. Include your name, address, social security number and certificate number if you know it. There is no fee for a duplicate Certified Nurse Aide certificate, but the request cannot be submitted online - a written request must be received before a duplicate C.N.A. certificate is issued.

If your certification is expired then you may still print your registry listing from here. The license lookup website serves as primary source verification of credentials issued by the Commonwealth of Virginia. You may contact the Virginia Board of Nursing at 804-367-4569 if you need additional help.
