Can I transfer my certification if I have a substantiated finding of neglect?

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asked in Registry by anonymous
I have a substantiated finding of neglect on my CNA certification. Can I transfer my certification to another state?

1 Answer

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answered by Abby Langlois

I think it is going be difficult, if at all possible, because most states make it clear that you should have no substantiated findings of abuse, neglect or misappropriation of resident property. You gave us too little information for a definitive answer. It would be useful to know if your certification to practice as a nurse aide has been revoked or not, the state where you are certified and the state where you want to transfer it to.

In general, a nurse aide's certification cannot be reinstated after it has been revoked. Federal law prohibits reinstatement of certification for those who have abused or neglected clients or misappropriated patient property. According to federal regulation at 42 Code of Federal Regulation, §483.156, findings of abuse, neglect and misappropriation of resident property must remain on the registry permanently.

I believe that in the case of a finding of neglect only, a nurse aide may petition the state to remove the finding after the finding has been entered on the registry for one full year. If I remember correctly, you may file a petition to have it removed from your record on the registry, if the finding of neglect was a singular occurrence and your employment and personal history does not reflect a pattern of abusive behavior or neglect.

If you don’t want to provide additional details here, you should contact your state registry to ask if it is possible to remove the finding at a later date and also the registry of the state you plan to transfer your certification to in order to see if they allow it.
